Helping you understand the financial aid process so you can get the most money for college, guaranteed!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Summer Step #2: Investigate Better Ways To Fund Your EFC

The advice of a professional college funding advisor can be some of the most savvy and effective counsel that you will receive during this time of college preparation. A good advisor will assist you in preparing your finances so that you can effectively limit your EFC to a lower level than you might have initially thought. Even with this knowledge and professional help, however, most families cannot bank on the funding authorities agreeing to cover all of their child’s college costs… or even that the EFC number they calculate will be one that the family can manage without difficulty.

Because this is so often the case, many families choose to bridge the EFC gap in one of two ways – taking out a loan, or diminishing the family’s expenses. Either of these plans could be something you’re willing to consider. You can certainly always cancel vacations, raid retirement accounts, and talk to the bank about loan options. Frankly, however, these are rarely the best solutions to the challenge, and we find that there are often far better choices available for meeting the costs of college.

We are pleased to announce that we have created a very effective solution to the college funding problem. For people in the right set of circumstances, we can demonstrate a plan to pay for your child’s education on a tax-favored basis… and do so without altering your current lifestyle, or touching your hard-earned pension plan.

Of course, like many plans, it is an absolutely tremendous boon to the college funding challenge if it works for you, but we also must frankly admit that it doesn’t work for everyone. If you are interested in learning more, and finding out if the plan can assist you in your situation, please feel free to email us at

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